S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim Book Review

May 10, 2012

As you know from a previous post. I am starting 

a healthy eating plan. So when I received the book
Sass Yourself Slim I was excited to review it. This
book comes in handy just in time. I have recently 
changed my eating habits and started eating 
healthy everyday. 

Cynthia Sass

Sass Yourself Slim  is a New York Times bestseller
written  by Cynthia Sass MPH.RD Co author of the Flat Belly 
Diet. The book  states that the first five days is a 5-Day,5-Food Fast Forward program. Eating only five foods in various combinations:spinach, almonds raspberries, eggs, and yogurt
or vegan -friendly alternatives.This combination of foods according to the book, provide energy and nourishment while preparing the body for weight loss.

The fast forward rules are simple

  • Eat your first meal within one hour of waking up.
  •   Eat one of each meal per day in  any order you like, spacing your meals evenly three to five hours apart.
  • Use only foods, beverages and seasonings listed.

 Part two is a 25-day plan (30 days if you forego the Fast Forward option) which also calls for four meals a day, but now draws from a broad but specific array of food choices. And with this part of the plan, you can easily drop a size in just one month. The Core is based on cutting edge research and three key rules that work in synergy to provide real and lasting results:

  • Rule #1: Eat Like Clockwork. Meal timing is important — you must eat breakfast within an hour of waking up and space the remaining meals evenly throughout the day, no sooner than three and no more than five hours apart, in order to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels and hunger hormones; reset and rev up metabolism; and keep feeling energized. 
  • Rule #2: Think 5 Pieces 4 Times a Day. Each meal in theS.A.S.S. Yourself Slim plan is constructed as a unique “puzzle” made from five pieces: produce, a whole grain, lean protein, plant-based fat, and specific seasonings — or, as Cynthia refers to them, SASS (more about that below). Following the plan is as easy as knowing what the five pieces of the puzzle are and how much of each one to include at every meal. This becomes second nature within the first week. This simple approach allows you to consistently S.A.S.S. yourself whether you’re at home, at a restaurant, or on vacation. It’s as easy as choosing from Cynthia’s 100 delicious recipes or using the DIY chapter to build your own ‘5 piece puzzle’ meals. 
  • Rule #3: Make Flavor Your Focus. S.A.S.S. — the fifth piece of the puzzle (above) — stands for Slimming and Satiating Seasonings: vinegar, citrus juice or zest, hot peppers, tea, and herbs and spices. These five additions not only add flavor to the meals without excess calories or sodium, they are scientifically proven to maximize your body’s fat-burning furnace and are rich in antioxidants, which have been linked to lower body-fat levels, even without dieting.

The book also includes chapters on emotional eating, falling in love with walking, and an entire chapter devoted to the health and weight loss benefits of the daily dark chocolate escape. On this plan you can shed pounds while enjoying satisfying recipes, such as Berry Almond French Toast, a Smoked Gouda and Grilled Onion Salad, Ginger Pear Smoothie, and Shrimp Creole. Vegetarians, vegans, and those following a gluten free diet can also follow this plan to achieve sustainable weight loss success.

S.A.S.S. Yourself Slim teaches you how to get your body back, and refocus your attention and energy where they should be — on living and enjoying your life.

The five puzzle pieces
Whole grain
Lean protein
Plant-based fat

My favorite part of this book of course is the yummy
recipes I will have to try like the Tuna-Stuffed Tomatoes, Citrus Salmon Salad and  Layered Bean Dip with Cilantro-Jalapeno Guacamole.  I would recommend you read this book. It’s filled with a lot of great information about healthy eating and may
be very beneficial if you are trying to lose weight. I liked the fact that this book encourages organic fruits and vegetables which I have already started eating on my weight loss plan
I started recently. 

Disclosure: I received free of charge a copy of Sass Yourself
Slim  to review courtesy of One2One Network. I was also entered for a chance to win one out of 7 $50 gift cards. All thoughts and opinions of this book are my own and not influenced by  the product I received to review.
